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Bell schedule

Regular Schedule

Mon, TUES, Thurs, Fri

Period Start End
1st/6th 9:30 10:40
2nd/7th 10:44 11:54
3rd/8th 11:58 1:37
A Lunch 11:54 12:24
A Class 12:28 1:37
B Class 11:58 12:30
B Lunch 12:30 1:00
B Class 1:00 1:37
C Class 11:58 1:07
C Lunch 1:07 1:37
Period 4/9 1:41 2:51
Period 5/10 2:55 4:05

Late Start Schedule


Period Start End
1st/6th 10:30 11:27
2nd/7th 11:31 12:28
3rd/8th 12:32 2:02
A Lunch 12:28 12:58
A Class 1:02 2:02
B Class 12:32 1:02
B Lunch 1:02 1:32
B Class 1:32 2:02
C Class 12:32 1:32
C Lunch 1:32 2:02
Period 4/9 2:06 3:03
Period 5/10 3:07 4:05

*The first and last Wednesdays of the school year run on a regular schedule, not a late-start schedule.

AM Assembly Schedule

Period Start End
1st/6th 9:30 9:40
Assembly 9:40 10:40
1st/6th 10:40 11:27
2nd/7th 11:31 12:28
3rd/8th 12:32 2:02
A Lunch 12:28 12:58
A Class 1:02 2:02
B Class 12:32 1:02
B Lunch 1:02 1:32
B Class 1:32 2:02
C Class 12:32 1:32
C Lunch 1:32 2:02
Period 4/9 2:06 3:03
Period 5/10 3:07 4:05

PM Assembly Schedule

Period Start End
1st/6th 9:30 10:28
2nd/7th 10:32 11:30
3rd/8th 11:34 1:01
A Lunch 11:30 12:00
A Class 12:04 1:01
B Class 11:34 12:01
B Lunch 12:01 12:31
B Class 12:31 1:01
C Class 11:34 12:31
C Lunch 12:31 1:01
Period 4/9 1:05 2:03
Period 5/10 2:07 3:05
Assembly 3:05 4:05

Two Hour Late Start (Due to Inclement Weather)

Period Start End
1st/6th 11:30 12:13
2nd/7th 12:17 1:00
3rd/8th 1:00 2:30
A Lunch 12:28 12:58
A Class 1:34 2:30
B Class 1:04 1:30
B Lunch 1:30 2:00
B Class 2:04 2:30
C Class 1:04 2:00
C Lunch 2:00 2:30
Period 4/9 2:34 3:17
Period 5/10 3:21 4:05